W26 - Bauhaus JR

Bauhaus JR - a modular approach to makered

In our workshop we will present our progress on the BauhausJR project that enables different teachers and schools to implement makered in their classroom on their own terms.
  • We will explain the why behind our ideas (Power to the teacher!), and the structure of our program.
  • We will explain the importance of skills and show the power of stories.
  • We will show our minimakercourses and two chapters of our toolbook.
  • Together we will research and understand the drill and the spirit levelby making our own. (Hopefully discovering how this type of activity can nurture the love for tools and makered in young students.)
All the materials we show will be handed out to the participants to take home. (Several chapters from the big book on tools, the 50 tools poster, the minimakercourses.)
Målgruppe - elever
Students aspiring to become primary school teachers or educators.
Målgruppe - undervisere
Primary school teachers/ educators with and interest in (starting with) makereducation.
15 persons

Astrid Poot
Boss, maker, author, researcher
Astrid Poot is an author, designer, educator, tech philosopher and -lover and maker. She is the co-founder and boss of Lekkersamenklooien (roughly translates to Happily messing around together), a (non-profit) foundation that promotes and enables MakerEd.
The foundation is passionately trying to heal today’s anxious society with maker-books, comics, lesson plans and lessons, tinkering kits, blogs and more. We inspire households, schools, museums and libraries into making.